Molly Foley Molly Foley

A Saori Life

I called my website MFCreates because I’m always making something. Whether that’s weaving, writing or cooking, I’m creating. I’ve spent most of my life trying to whittle myself down to a one word career but nothing ever stuck. I like too many things. As of late, I’ve called myself an artist, which if you are also a creator, you can probably sympathize with how that can feel strange. Artist is what we call Vincent VanGogh. How could I possibly consider myself in any way in the same category? I’m learning to let go of such a lofty definition and remind myself that an artist is simply someone who creates something that didn’t exist before.

And so, to add to my list of creations I am starting this blog. As I said, I like a lot of things, so this blog will be a bit of a meander through the things I love, the things that nourish me - food (although I’m not a foodie, I just like simple good food); fun boutiques; fiber art, or really art in general; travel; and any books/resources/podcasts, etc. that I find interesting. I was a librarian before I had kids and that instinct to share resources runs deep.

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